Information for Authors
This International Journal is online peer-reviewed, and referred Journal. The Submission of articles should be original work and has not been published earlier or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. We undertake quality of work and publish smart and scientific contributions in our International Journal.
Authors are invited to submit their research papers through E-Mail: [email protected]
Publication Ethics
International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games (IJFHPEIG) is an Academic, online peer-reviewed and print, refereed Journal and published by IFFHPEIG. Submitted all research papers will be sent for two reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. Editors will decide on time whether to accept, reject, or request revisions of referred papers based on the reviewers comments. The decision will be sent to the authors with reviewers comments.
Published research papers can be found on this link;
Plagiarism intentionally or without deliberately will not be accepted by this journal and if found copied the same will be informed to the authors to re-write the paper and submit back again with at-least less than 12% plagiarism.
Types of Articles could be submitted
The following word processor file formats will be accepted for the manuscript document for our Journal.
Microsoft Word 2003(doc)
Microsoft Word 2007(doc)
Organization of Manuscript
Authors are requested to ensure that the length of the manuscript should be between 5 to 15 pages. We accept any manuscript which is either shorter or longer than the prescribed limit, if the content is of extraordinarily high quality.
The manuscript should follow the below mentioned guidelines;
Cover letter
While submitting the manuscript author is requested to provide cover letter along with the manuscript. This cover letter should include manuscript title, name of the co-authors if any and full contact details of the corresponding author with office or institutional address, telephone, fax and email address. Corresponding author should clearly state the approval of co-authors for manuscript submission along with any competing interests. It is also strongly advised to declare that work is original and not submitted/ published elsewhere with other publishers. Finally, if this submission is submitted upon the invitation of an Editorial Board member/ Editorial office please provide the details.
Title and Authors Information
In “Title and Authors Information” part, the following information should be included
Abstract should be written between 250-300 words. Abstract should includes; Introduction, Method, Result & Discussion, Conclusion, Keywords
Provide 4 to 5 keywords as index terms signifying the article content
Abbreviations are the spelled out terms in the text for the first time and used consistently there after.
This section should be concise, with no subheadings.
All the procedures and steps followed. Also if required it can be divided into subsections if several methods are described.
Results and Discussion
Describe clearly about the results of the study and out puts of the research. Also discuss the results and give the supporting studies.
Authors are supposed to include all figures and tables in the PDF/ Word file of the manuscript. Figures and tables must be submitted in the manuscript.
Preparation of Tables
Each table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading.
Explain the important conclusions of the work and its significance and relevance.
All acknowledgments should be included at the extremely end of the manuscript prior to reference part. This section may include supporting grants and presentations.
Citations must be numbered consecutively in square brackets [1]. The list of references should be arranged in the order of citation in text, not in alphabetical order.
(References style, APA)
After acceptance of the manuscript, authors should submit the copyright form. Authors shall be required to ensure that their papers submitted for publication are not violate of provisions of copyright act, at all, in order to avoid any legal complications.
This International Journal is online peer-reviewed, and referred Journal. The Submission of articles should be original work and has not been published earlier or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. We undertake quality of work and publish smart and scientific contributions in our International Journal.
Authors are invited to submit their research papers through E-Mail: [email protected]
Publication Ethics
International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games (IJFHPEIG) is an Academic, online peer-reviewed and print, refereed Journal and published by IFFHPEIG. Submitted all research papers will be sent for two reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. Editors will decide on time whether to accept, reject, or request revisions of referred papers based on the reviewers comments. The decision will be sent to the authors with reviewers comments.
Published research papers can be found on this link;
Plagiarism intentionally or without deliberately will not be accepted by this journal and if found copied the same will be informed to the authors to re-write the paper and submit back again with at-least less than 12% plagiarism.
Types of Articles could be submitted
- Editorials
- Research articles
- Original articles
- Reviews articles
- Mini-reviews
- Case report
- Commentaries
- Letter to Editor
The following word processor file formats will be accepted for the manuscript document for our Journal.
Microsoft Word 2003(doc)
Microsoft Word 2007(doc)
Organization of Manuscript
Authors are requested to ensure that the length of the manuscript should be between 5 to 15 pages. We accept any manuscript which is either shorter or longer than the prescribed limit, if the content is of extraordinarily high quality.
The manuscript should follow the below mentioned guidelines;
- Cover Letter
- Title, List of authors, affiliations, & email
- Abstract (250-300 words)
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Method
- Results & Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- References
Cover letter
While submitting the manuscript author is requested to provide cover letter along with the manuscript. This cover letter should include manuscript title, name of the co-authors if any and full contact details of the corresponding author with office or institutional address, telephone, fax and email address. Corresponding author should clearly state the approval of co-authors for manuscript submission along with any competing interests. It is also strongly advised to declare that work is original and not submitted/ published elsewhere with other publishers. Finally, if this submission is submitted upon the invitation of an Editorial Board member/ Editorial office please provide the details.
Title and Authors Information
In “Title and Authors Information” part, the following information should be included
- Manuscript Title
- Author names, including Co- authors names and affiliations
- Complete institutional mailing addresses
- Email addresses
Abstract should be written between 250-300 words. Abstract should includes; Introduction, Method, Result & Discussion, Conclusion, Keywords
Provide 4 to 5 keywords as index terms signifying the article content
Abbreviations are the spelled out terms in the text for the first time and used consistently there after.
This section should be concise, with no subheadings.
All the procedures and steps followed. Also if required it can be divided into subsections if several methods are described.
Results and Discussion
Describe clearly about the results of the study and out puts of the research. Also discuss the results and give the supporting studies.
Authors are supposed to include all figures and tables in the PDF/ Word file of the manuscript. Figures and tables must be submitted in the manuscript.
Preparation of Tables
Each table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading.
Explain the important conclusions of the work and its significance and relevance.
All acknowledgments should be included at the extremely end of the manuscript prior to reference part. This section may include supporting grants and presentations.
Citations must be numbered consecutively in square brackets [1]. The list of references should be arranged in the order of citation in text, not in alphabetical order.
(References style, APA)
- Kaukab, A., Seemab, A., Saquib, A. (2015). The Push-ups. International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games, Volume: 2, No: 1, Pg :1-4.
After acceptance of the manuscript, authors should submit the copyright form. Authors shall be required to ensure that their papers submitted for publication are not violate of provisions of copyright act, at all, in order to avoid any legal complications.