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First International Conference on recent trends in Fitness, Health, and Sports science held at Osmania University Hyderabad - 2014Janab Mir.Khasim Ali, Arjun Awardee, A star of Table tennis, was Felicitated by Prof.Grace Helina Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, India.
Janab Mir.Khasim Ali, Arjun Awardee, was the chief Guest for the closing ceremony of the FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on recent trends in Fitness, Health, and Sports science 2014 at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India Vertical Divider
Dr.Kaukab Azeem, President of International Federation for Fitness, Health , Physical Education and Iron Games, Awarding certificate of membership to Dr.Randall L.Wilber, (USA) one of the famous researcher in HIGH ALTITUDE TRAINING. Presently working with United states Olympic committee.
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Second International Conference held at Bangkok - 2015
Mr.Abbas Organizing Secretary felicitated at the 2nd ICFHSS, Bangkok. The International conference was organized at Ma hotel, Bangkok and the conference was well organized and a grand success for the organizers and all the delegates had applauded the efforts of the organizers. Vertical Divider
Dr.Kaukab AZEEM received D.Litt award in Sports Science
at Malaysia Nov 2022
Dr.Kaukab AZEEM is the first scholar from Hyderabad to receive the highest award of D.Litt in Sports science from St. Mother Theresa University, Australia Accredited by JBR Harvard, USA. Awarded at the International Conference on Educational Excellence and Sustainability Development held on 20th November 2022, 6 pm onwards at Melia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Left side : Dr.Kaukab Azeem , right side: Dr. R. Vijaya Saraswathy, Pro Vice Chancellor, SMTU, Australia.
Left side : Dr.Kaukab Azeem , right side: Dr. R. Vijaya Saraswathy, Pro Vice Chancellor, SMTU, Australia.
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Previous Conferences held:
3rd International Conference on Recent Trends on Fitness, Health & Sports Science at Mauritius - 2016
The conference was hosted at the University of Mauritius, located at Réduit, Moka, Mauritius. In addition, we hope you will enjoy the island and the hospitality, a famous quote from Mark Twain “God created Mauritius first and then heaven”. Attendees will benefit both personal and professionally in this conference. Be prepared to form a part of this once in a lifetime event in Mauritius. Check out the website : for the conference details. |
2nd International Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand - 2015
The conference was successfully held at Bangkok with the academic support of "Mindano State University - Philippines" |
1st International Conference held in Hyderabad, India - 2014
Conference was successfully held at Hyderabad with the academic support of Hyderabad esteemed university "Osmania University" |